• May 2024
    M T W T F S S
  • Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.

    Ronald Reagan


    When the government's boot is on your throat, whether it is a left boot or a right boot is of no consequence.

    Gary Lloyd


    We have a system that increasingly taxes and subsidizes nonwork.

    Milton Friedman


    The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money

    Alexis de Tocqueville


    Those of us who manage the public dollars will be held to account to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of day, because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and our government.

    Barack Hussein Obama, 1/20/09


    My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.

    Barack Hussein Obama


    “And the Democrats intend to lead the most honest, most open, and most ethical Congress in history”

    Nancy Pelosi, Election Night 2006


    A community organizer can't bitch when communities organize.

    Rush Limbaugh


$2 Trillion “really isn’t a lot of money”

US Representative Paul Kanjorski (D-PA), recently graced us with his presence on the airwaves of Northeast PA by doing a “Radio Town Hall” on WILK.  Over the August recess, he has done 1 “Telephone Town Hall” in which his staff chose who asked questions, and this “Radio Town Hall”, and refuses to meet face-to-face with his constituents, as he just doesn’t have the time to do so.

In discussing the recent upward revision of the projected 10 year US budget deficit from $7 Trillion to $9 Trillion, he remarked that the $2 Trillion difference “really isn’t a lot of money…”.

And, with a distinct air of condescension reminiscent of Barney Frank’s recent Town Hall,  Mr. Kanjorski makes clear his disdain for those who speak out at Town Halls, referring to them as therapeutic shouting sessions.

For those not familiar with Mr. Kanjorski, he made news this past winter with his appearance on C-SPAN, telling us of a $550 Billion run on money market accounts.  He is also Chairman of the Capital Markets Subcommittee in the House.

With attitudes such as these, is it any WONDER why we are in the shape we’re in?

Random Election Thoughts

The election is over and life goes on.  Here are some of my random thoughts:

  • With a Democrat Congress, a Democrat in the White House, and more liberal judges to most likely be named to the Supreme Court, there will be PLENTY of BOHICA‘s to look forward to.
  • The American electorate voted for change, but I don’t think we’ll get change. Rather, we will get more of the same, only worse.
  • The Republicans have no one to blame but themselves for their utterly poor showing in yesterday’s elections.  Nominating a RINO, and forcing true conservatives to pick the lesser of two evils caused them the election. It also didn’t help having so many RINO’s in the Senate as well (Arlen Specter over Pat Toomey? c’mon….)
  • Had Sarah Palin not been chosen as Mac’s running mate, the election would be more like Reagan/Mondale in 1984, only in reverse.
  • If thinking about making a gun purchase, buy or invest now, especially a semi-auto pistol or rifle. (remember the first 2 years of Clinton?)
  • WWRD?
  • Will BHO make Jimmy Carter’s presidency look GOOD?
  • The Dems excelled at PsyOps: Rendell “worrying” about PA, “leaked” internal polls showing poor numbers for BHO, etc. I was snookered as well.
  • When the economy tanks even further under Obama, the excuse will be that he “inherited” the problem from Bush. Wrong: see “Anatomy of a Train Wreck” , Acorn Flowchart, How A Clinton-Era Rule Rewrite Made Subprime Crisis Inevitable , and many, many more.
  • Voters in Northeastern PA are apparently easily impressed (“Joe Biden is from Scranton”)
  • Voters in Northeastern PA will bitch about the economy, yet they’ll re-elect a congressman directly involved in the sub-prime crisis, and one who channeled over $9 million of our tax dollars to his family.
  • It’s OK to vote “a couple of times” in Philadelphia
  • When will Joe Biden and Michelle Obama have their proverbial muzzles removed?
  • It would be great for both states if Philth-adelphia secedes to New Jersey.
  • Liberal reporters will stop at nothing  to discredit the opposition.
  • It’s almost the end of the day, and I have yet to hear anyone mention “Joe The Plumber”.
  • When will Joe Biden resign, and will his son be named to take his place? (h.t. to pstarr999)
  • When will Obama pull out of Iraq, and will he concentrate more forces in Afghanistan?
  • Which cabinet post will Oprah be named to?
  • Will the Republican party ever return to Conservatism?
  • Will the Libertarian party benefit from the Republican party attempting to cross over to the Dark Side? (liberalism)
  • How many more hours before Jack Murtha insults the voters who put him back in office?
  • Will BHO be able to make all liberals happy?
  • He campaigned there, but I STILL haven’t heard how many votes BHO received in Berlin…
  • How high will gas prices go?

And for those of you who are down and out and discouraged, Michelle Malkin suggests what needs to be done:

We stand up for our principles, as we always have — through Democrat administrations and Republican administrations, in bear markets or bull markets, in peacetime and wartime.

We stay positive and focused.

We keep the faith.

We do not apologize for our beliefs. We do not re-brand them, re-form them, or relinquish them. We defend them.

We pay respect to the office of the presidency. We count our blessings and recommit ourselves to our constitutional republic.

We gird our loins, to borrow a phrase from our Vice President-elect.

We lock and load our ideological ammunition.

We fight.”